Grace’s first trip to the eye doctor and she went to see the same Doctor as mom and dad: Dr. Stanley.
Great check-up!! Afterwards a trip to Famous Dave’s BBQ as a reward!
P I C T U R E S:
Grace gets a perfect check up!
Fantastic Dentist Appointment!
Best dentist appointment yet!! Teeth look great -including the new ones coming in! 6-year molars are also coming in, and the Dentist wants to seal them on an upcoming visit to help prevent decay.
Many permanent teeth are visible in the x-ray and all look to be in very decent position, better than mom and dad had speculated from the first two lower teeth that have made themselves visible. Dentist said even those two new teeth look good and will straighten out. And, the two big front teeth are positioned to come in and fill that current gap between the top two front baby teeth.
** And, 94% score on brushing. While room for improvement, this is the best score yet!!! Yeah, let’s keep tracking forward!!
Not much classroom time remaining if we go back to school …so Grace and dad will play hooky to celebrate this great appointment!! Shhhhh, don’t tell Mrs. Kattelman!!
Click Image Below To View Pictures

Dr Visit
The Streak Is Over, Grace Finally Gets An Ear Infection
Grace has had a cough and other head-cold symtpoms the last weeks or so ….
But last night she was uncomfortable and could not sleep.
So, today mom and Grace went to see Dr. Columbo.
Well, Grace’s 26month lifetime-streak of no antibiotics or any infection to warrant them is over. Most kids by this age have had many ear infections and/or other things …but not Grace, she’s been very healthy, especially compared to most other kids.
Today it was discovered that Grace has minor ear infection in both ears. So for the first time ever, she’s on antibiotics, a dose of once a day for the next 5days. Dr. Columbo was sad about this more than anyone. –As he said Grace was a record –a record that he was sad to see come to an end.
BTW: Grace was a princess for Dr. Columbo and was so polite and well behaved, –she really turns it on for her boyfriend -even when not feeling 100%.
So, Dad is out of town for work (but wishes he was home) and Mom and Grace are taking it easy -and will continue to do so for the next days. That doesn’t mean that they might not be out-no-about for some good Mexican food or other fun.
Mom took a few pictures with her phone at the doctor -thumbnails below, click to see larger image.
2nd Year Check-Up …Dr. Columbo
Saturday Trip To The Doctor
Grace has been fighting a cough for the last week and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. So we decided to take her to the doctor in case it might turn into something more. So Dad and Grace made an appointment with Dr. Bertz who is not Grace’s regular doctor but was on Saturday rotation with a group of doctors.
The doctor said that nothing serious going on but Grace needs some TLC, rest and some good hugs.
Grace was quite the good girl through the whole thing and was even wiping her runny nose on her own with a tissue.

Grace’s 18Month Check-Up -Dr. Columbo
One Year Check-Up –and doing GREAT
Doctor Visit 9Month Check-Up
Well, yet another stellar check-up. We know that Grace is no heavyweight, and we were very shocked to see that she is only 17lbs!? Up only a few lbs since her 6month check-up. **BUT** she has jumped up to the 20-25% for weight! That is great. She’s well above that for her height and the size of her head. The latter measurement she’s always over-achieved 🙂 .
Grace got a bit of blood drawn from her foot to check for iron level. They can check on-the-spot and her level was perfect –and she didn’t much mind the needle prick.
And, as always her love for Dr. Columbo continues. She certainly has a crush on him and he is great with her. As always they engaged in all kinda of fun interaction.
While we’ve debated and changed our mind a million times, we did give Grace the H1N1 vaccine today. She’ll go back in a month for the 2nd and final round.
And, Kathy brought a huge batch of cookies and a nice Christmas card for Dr. Columbo and his staff, that was really nice and it is no wonder why Grace is his favorite patient!
Another Great Doctor Visit –6month Routine Check-up
Just a couple of weeks ago Grace was at the doctor for rotavirus. That was no fun but she’s over that now time for her 6month routine check-up. No surprise she passed with flying colors (yet again) ..and again she’s proven that she’s no heavyweight. Still tracking well, she’s doubled her weight since birth, but her weight is in the 10percentile.
This appointment was the last round of immunization shots for a while, no doubt Grace thinks that is good news.

Video and MANY more pictures of the check-up HERE(CLICKY)
Grace’s First Illness -Rotavirus and a trip to the doctor
Well after 6months of stellar health, without hardly a sneeze:? Grace got a virus that was causing discomfort plus vomiting and diarrhea. Surely no fun for anyone, and for a tiny, little girl who didn’t know what was going on -it was very tough for her parents to witness.
Eventually dad took Grace to the doctor, her first time to see Dr. Columbo for other than a routine check up. ? Grace has a big “crush” on Dr. Columbo so we made sure she looked her best, even though she was not feeling her best.
The diagnosis was Rotavirus and we are switching formula, and have some help for the vomiting. But really this virus just needs to run it’s course so we’ll be keeping Grace as comfortable as possible and doing all necessary to keep her from getting dehydrated.

More Pics of the Doctor apportionment HERE(CLICKY)