Back From Oregon

A great week+ trip to Oregon to visit Grandma Jo, Grandpa Phil and Aunt Mary happened to be there. Good times, perhaps more details coming later.
Here are few pics when Mom picked Grace up in Old Station …pics of Grandma Jo and Aunt Mary.


Grace doing her job….

Last week Grace helped out with a large Long Distance motorcyle rally that had a checkpoint in Reno. I was later told by the event organizer that Grace was the hardest working volunteer. She was up until after 2:00am working very hard ….and then back in action before 5:00am (yes just a few hours later).
Great job on doing a great job Grace!!

PS note her personalized “staff” ID badge ….which she later asked “Do I get to keep this?

Long day, big dinner

Long day at camp …and very hungry. Dad and Grace go out for comfort food. Here Grace with half a roasted chicken, scalloped potatoes, vegetables …and (not pictured) loaf of bread and ice cream.

Two Of A Kind

The Grace-Zoey relationship is as unique as Grace and Zoey. It ain’t right, but it’s alright. Grace was in a particularly silly mood tonight when we made these videos, and Zoey decided she wanted to hear the word “sit” three times before considering taking action.  
Nevertheless, these two somehow make it all work …and in spite of each other, are truly best friends.
V I D E O:

Family Hike

Grace was eager to take the family on a hike she did a few weeks ago …so we all headed out this morning.
Nice hike to the top, checked out the scenery and had a picnic lunch. Then took the long way down/around and caught a lizard …which is now our new family pet. Click Image to view more pictures

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