Thanks for the rainbow trout! Sent from my iPhone
Live Post
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Another fun day with lot’s of new friends
Dinner and sunset chutes and ladders
Live from Lake Tahoe!
Kindergarten Graduation
A wonderful year of kindergarten. Mom and Dad had no idea that kindergarten can be so hard, yet sooo fun. Our family is blessed that Mrs Kattelman was engaged and mentored us all through an amazing year. We can’t give enough thanks and appreciation to Mrs. Kattelman.
We’re all so proud of Grace! And grace has plenty to be proud of!!
Here is tiny video of Grace receiving her diploma:
Here are some snapshots of graduation Day:
Here is a video that Mrs Kattelman created, she played it during the graduation ceremony. Hard to find a dry eye in the audience.
Congratulations Grace!
Another tooth gone!
Last day of school and water play day!
Last Tuesday of school and park day
Olivia comes over for a silly play date!
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