Grace on her bike -Video


This is a fun and long video of Grace out on her bike. All of a sudden the concept of two wheels just “clicked” for her and the rapid pace of improvement is amazing. She’s doing great. Much more video, hope to add those and improve this one……

Party Night?

Morning with mom ..and a good girl.  Afternoon with dad and ditto.   Stopped by Costco and among the mix got some brownie mix.  If the good behavior continues, perhaps a brownie party tonight!  Meanwhile a pizza treat! Sent With Luvs and Hugs

Garbage Day

I always try to be ready with fizzy-water for the garbage man on Thursdays. Here I just gave him his treat.  He takes anything we put out 🙂


A great little video of Gymnastics today during “open gym” This is where there is no formal instruction but the members can practice and do drills and such……