Pre-Walking Fun!

These are four video clips, the last two (shopping cart) ones were taken 2 weeks after the first two clips -so you can see how fast Grace improved.
First two were July05 2010; The shopping cart July20 2010


!!!-Grace Can Crawl-!!

Very Exciting …after lots of trying, scooting and ‘kinda crawling’ -Grace is now certified as a real crawling machine! Take a look …and we plan to keep the videos coming!

Grace Takes Her First Bath In The Sink!

Tonight when it came to bath time, we decided to not use her infant thingy, …and instead put grace right in the sink!? It was some good fun and of course we took too many pictures and too much video!

Grace Splashing In The Sink of many pics
Grace Splashing In The Sink …one of many pics

Doctor Visit 9Month Check-Up

Well, yet another stellar check-up.  We know that Grace is no heavyweight, and we were very shocked to see that she is only 17lbs!? Up only a few lbs since her 6month check-up.  **BUT** she has jumped up to the 20-25% for weight!  That is great.  She’s well above that for her height and the size of her head.  The latter measurement she’s always over-achieved 🙂 .

Grace got a bit of blood drawn from her foot to check for iron level. They can check on-the-spot and her level was perfect –and she didn’t much mind the needle prick.

And, as always her love for Dr. Columbo continues. She certainly has a crush on him and he is great with her. As always they engaged in all kinda of fun interaction.

While we’ve debated and changed our mind a million times, we did give Grace the H1N1 vaccine today. She’ll go back in a month for the 2nd and final round.

And, Kathy brought a huge batch of cookies and a nice Christmas card for Dr. Columbo and his staff, that was really nice and it is no wonder why Grace is his favorite patient!

Grace and her boyfriend:  Dr. Columbo
Grace and her boyfriend: Dr. Columbo